Thursday, December 3, 2009

Untitled Bliss-Introducing

 In Her Caravan sat the Gypsy, Wrapped in a Shawl,
Watching The Present through her crystal Ball.
What Lay ahead excited her,
an Adventure in which she was but a Burr,
She was a Key; a part of this Story of Matter,
With a smug Face, "Finally!", she uttered.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Untitled Bliss-Chapter2

He Gazed down and beheld the Sight,
The Map had led him to this site.
With his Spirit Beast beside him,
He walked fearlessly the aridity of 'The Bin'.
The Traveller had piqued his interest
and now Curiosity lay before him like an Enchantress,
Inviting him to the Glittering Settlement.
He wondered what this meant.

Image Courtesy: *1DB

Untitled Bliss-Skozaken

The Night was Cold, His warmth was waning.
The Light in the Cabin looked inviting.
He saw the weird Symbol drawn on the Gate.
He knocked on the Door and did wait.
The Door opened and there a Gentle Giant stood.
He Saved the Traveller’s Life, like a Good Man would.

p.s. my first attempt at 55fiction.

Image Courtesy: skigfx